Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Bookshelf Additions for November

This month we added these additional resources to the bookshelf in our office:
  • The Business Side of Creativity. I read the first edition of this years ago, back when the internet was synonymous with "Netscape". While we're not a design firm, we do, on occasion have to address client "look and feel" desires on occasion -- especially the message on unified branding, measuring effectiveness of a marketing effort, and other such "business sense" type issues.
  • High Performance Web Sites Essentials. Haven't read it yet. The verdict is still out.
  • MooTools Essentials. We know the web-based resources backwards, so we were hoping that this would offer some context and background not obvious via the web. Again, the verdict is still out.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Maiden Post


I'm Johnny Fuery, Principal Engineer here at Fuery Solutions. We've been working on our core message for quite some time -- despite doing web applications for a living, it seems like our own site is never complete. The old cliche about how "a contractor's house is never painted" comes to mind. :-)

With the birth of this new blog, I, along with the rest of the team here at Fuery Solutions, will be publishing ongoing updates. We hope to go beyond the standard "pseudo press release" model many company-sponsored blogs seem to adhere to, by publishing the occasional technical tip and small business lesson along the obligatory announcements about new content, client successes, and upcoming products.

Whether you're a casual browser or a long-time customer, I hope you'll find something enriching here. Thanks for visiting.
